Tuesday, December 4, 2012

For Christians, It's Never Over

(Written on Nov. 14, 2012)

WORLD News Service  -  After a self-imposed news blackout from Tuesday night, Nov. 6, to Friday, Nov. 9, I began catching up on what was happening in the country.  One of the things I learned was the people in Maine, Maryland, and Washington state chose to redefine the word "marriage" to include people of the same sex, and Minnesota voters rejected a measure that would have amended the state constitution to prohibit the redefinition of marriage.

"The campaign against same-sex 'marriage' is over," Cal Thomas wrote a few days after the election.  "Conservatives might want to focus on strengthening their own marriages."  He also wrote that with only 27 percent of the Hispanic vote going to Mitt Romney, Republicans "need a new strategy to attract Hispanics whose values mirror those held by conservatives."

Every day, pregnant women have the precious babies in their wombs slaughtered for the sake of convenience.  It's legal, but the campaign to end abortion will never be over.  Younger Americans generally support the redefinition of marriage, and it's a downward slide from here.  But we must always oppose it and campaign and vote against it.

Hispanics who vote for liberals generally support amnesty, and I don't think anything short of that platform will shift numbers in the other direction. Blacks who vote for liberals generally don't consider Big Government a threat to an individual's liberty.  In fact, I think these days, many people don't even understand what the word means and why it's important.

Still, appealing to people through race or ethnicity is an undignified solution.  Idealistic?  Perhaps. Compromising principles isn't the solution, either.  For example, I believe offering amnesty to illegal aliens is wrong, and I won't support it for political expediency.  Additionally, I became a conservative after I examined what I believed and why, and realized which candidates' values more closely aligned with mine.  I didn't need or want anyone to "reach out" to me or craft a special message based on my skin color or racial group membership grievance, and I don't want to support any candidates that do.

As fellow Christians,Thomas and I are of one mind about the power of Christ,who can change hearts and minds no matter who's in the White House.  And we, individuals, have the power to starve the "government beast" by helping those in need and reminding them why people fought and died to break the shackles of government tyranny.

So, what now?  We keep writing, speaking, persuading, influencing, and voting, even if the tide turns against us.  We advocate strong, traditional families, even though family instability is rampanat.  We openly oppose abortion and resist the pressure to cave to the homosexual lobby.  We appeal to fellow Americans through faith and values, not skin color or sex or age.  Now more than ever, we must be diligent and watchful.  We must be prayerful and hopeful.  We must influence by example: "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
    (LaShawn Barber writes for WORLD News Group)

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