Saturday, November 30, 2013

Creation Items of Interest

From Creation Moments

Origin of the rainbow explained (Genesis 9:13-16).  Prior to the Flood there was a diferent environment on the earth (Genesis 2:5-6).  After the Flood, God set His rainbow "in the cloud" as a sign that He woud never again judge the earth by water.  Meteorologists now understand that a rainbow is formed when the sun shines through water droplets  -  which act as a prism  -  separating white light into its color spectrum.

Light can be divided (Job 38:24). Sir Isaac Newton studied light and discovered that white light is made of seven colors, which can be "parted" and then recombined.  Science confirmed this four centuries ago -  God declared this four millennia ago!

Ocean currents anticipated (Psalm 8:8).  Three thousand years ago the Bible described the "paths of the seas."  In the 19th century Matthew Maury  - the father of oceanography  -  after reading Psalm 8, researched and discovered ocean currents that follow specific paths through the seas!  Utilizing Maury's data, marine navigators have since reduced by many days the time required to traverse the seas.

Sexual promiscuity is dangerous to your health (1 Corinthians 6:18; Romans 1:27).  The Bible warns that "he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body,"  and that those who commit homosexual sin would "receive in themselves" the penalty of their error.  Much data now confirms that any sexual relationship outside of holy matrimony is unsafe.

Reproduction explained (Genesis 1:27-28; 2:24; Mark 10:6-8).  While evolution has no mechanism to explain how male and female reproductive organs evolved at the same time, the Bible says that from the beginning God made them male and female in order to propagate the human race and animal kinds.

Incalculable number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22).  At a time when less than 5,000 stars were visible to the human eye, God stated that the stars of heaven were innumerable.  Not until the 17th century did Galileo glimpse the immensity of our universe with his new telescope.  Today, astronomers estimate that there are ten thousand billion trillion stars  -  that's a 1 followed by 25 zeros!  Yet, as the Bible states, scientists admit this number may be woefully inadequate.

The number of stars, though vast, are finite (Isaiah 40:26).  Although man is unable to calculate the exact number of stars, we now know their number is finite.  Of course God knew this all along  -  "He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name" (Psalm 147:4).  What an awesome God!

The Bible compares the number of stars with the number of grains of sand on the seashore (Genesis 22:17; Hebrews 11:12).  Amazingly, gross estimates of the number of sand grains are comparable to the estimated number of stars in the universe.

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