Monday, January 6, 2014

National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Coming January 20

With the National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday coming up on January 20, I'd like to ask: What do government-required health insurance and abortion have in common?

The propaganda poster from Communist China provides a hint.  Its caption translataes to: "Carry out family planning.  Implement the basic national policy."  That "national policy" is, of course, the infamous "one child" policy  -  enforced and maintained to a large degree by abortion.

This month, not only are we reminded of the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade in the United States, but we are at the outset of a new nationally required purchase of health insurance coverage, an important provision of which is abortion.  The link between government-required health insurance and communist policy is quite noteworthy.

While abortion became legal in the United States in 1973, Communist Russia in 1920 became the first country in the world to officially legalize abortion in all circumstances.  The Bolsheviks did this as part of their "Decree onWomen's Healthcare", resulting in abortion on request and at no cost.

In communist societies, atheism is the officail religion of the state.  Faith in God is greatly discouraged, and evolution is seen as vindicating their worldview.  It should then come as no surprise that communist societies have led the world in extinguishing human life  -  the very image of God.

Indeed, from communism to humanism and pleasure-seeking hedonism, evolution is foundational to so many bad ideas and so much bad morality.  Evolution is justification for survival of the fittest, for godlessness and for disbelief in the Bible.  It is at the heart of a culture war that can be summarized as "a cluture of death vs. a culture of life".

Communism may have been beaten back in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, but radical "progressives" have continued to promote the philosophy and theology of Karl Marx.  They have been successful in muting the Christian heritage and emphasis in modern civilization.  The push for government-controlled healthcare is simply another suppression of personal freedom and responsibility in favor of an all-powerful secularist state.

These new Marxists seem to be content with incremental socialism  -  by slow evolution rather than by revolution.  Their creeping godless vision still wants government ownership and control along with the abolition of absolute morality founded on religion.  Lower moral standards, moral relativism, outlawing God from the public square and from the interpretation of history  -  this is where they are pushing us.   We are not supposed to argue anything on the basis of moral principle but only on the basis of pragmatism.  Why?  Because God, they say, is not "scientific" while godlessness is.

Evolution is fundamentally an anti-God philosophy that has fueled other anti-God philosophies.

It is a pseudo-science masquerading as true science.  Because of our sin nature, people suppress the truth that the God of the Bible is their Creator, Judge, Savior and Lord (Romans 1:18).  They desire to be lords of the world unto themselves  -  often justifying their unbelief and action, consciously or subconsciously, with evolutionism.

Yes, evil will someday be put in its place, but there is still so much that needs to be done NOW.

( Mark Cadwallader. Board Chairman, Creation Moments, Inc.

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