Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Prayer by R. M. M'Cheyne

A Prayer  written by Robert Murray M'Cheyne (a year before his death in 1842)
Our heavenly Father, follow with thy blessing the reading of thy holy word.  Hide in our hearts the very lessons it was intended to teach us.  Sanctify us through thy truth; thy word is truth.

When we read of Judas, O Lord, teach us to be very jealous over ourselves, and to inquire diligently, lest after all we also should be cast away.  Show us that we may know much of the Saviour, that we may call him, Lord, Lord, that we may do wonders in his name, and yet betray him after all.

Convince us of sin by thy Holy Spirit.  Make us lie infinitely low before thee because of our vileness.  Convince us that we never can justify ourselves in thy pure sight. Give us a soul-refreshing view of the excellency of the Lord Jesus.  Give us a saving hold upon him as all our righteousness and all our strength. Give us to be vitally united to him as living branches to the true vine.  Make us confident that he which hath begun a good work in us will preform it to the day of Christ Jesus.

When we read that the disciples found every thing as Jesus had said unto them, make us to set to our seal that this is true.  O Saviour, it is impossible with thee to lie; thou keepest truth for ever.  O Lord, help us to believe that we shall find as thou hast said.

Melt our hearts by a sight of the great love of Jesus.  As he gave himself to be broken for us, so may we freely accept of him, and may our joy be full.  Make us to love that holy ordinance wherein we testify that we close with him as all our salvation and all our desire.  May we love to do this in remembrance of him.

When we read of thy disciples striving who should be greatest, may we be ashamed of the sins that mingle with our holiest services. O Lord, we blush when we think of our sins  How often we have sinned thy love away.  Plead thy blood and righteousness, O our risen Saviour, our advocate with the Father.  Cover all our sins.  say to us. Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.  Change our proud, selfish hearts. Give us the same mind which also was in Christ Jesus.  Give us to wash one another's feet; to do to one another as Jesus did unto us.

Lord, deliver us from our spiritual enemies.  Let us not be ignorant of Satan's devices.  We know that he desires to have us more than the world, that he may sift us like wheat.  O Saviour, pray for us, that our faith may not fail.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Help us to submit ourselves to thee: to resist the devil, and he will flee from us.

Guard us during the silent watches of this night.  Thou that keepest Israel never slumberest nor sleepest.  Keep our dear friends from evil.  Preserve their souls.  Strenghten the sick upon the bed of languishing.  Comfort the bereaved.  Give bread to the poor.  Be with those that are afar off upon the sea.  Pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh.  Let the wilderness become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.

Hasten the coming of the Saviour.  Make us love his appearing. Why is thy chariot so long of coming; why tarry the wheels of thy chariot?  Glory be to thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

R. M. M'Cheyne, Family Worship,  The Banner of Truth, April 2014 (

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